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  • Nine Ways to Walk Around a Boulder

  • Using Communication Skills to Change Your Life
  • De : Juliet Erickson
  • Lu par : Juliet Erickson
  • Durée : 5 h et 53 min

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Nine Ways to Walk Around a Boulder

De : Juliet Erickson
Lu par : Juliet Erickson
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    We all face challenges in our lives that seem like boulders - immovable objects that stop us achieving our goals. They can be anything from being nervous when facing a room full of people we don't know, to delivering bad news, clear up a misunderstanding, or apologize when we have been in the wrong. 

    All too often we react to these boulders by avoiding them or pushing and shoving in the hopes of shifting them, though deep down inside we know that shoving didn't work last time and it isn't going to work now. 

    In Nine Ways to Walk Around a Boulder, Juliet Erickson encourages us to deal with these obstacles, work around what we can't walk through and make real changes in our lives. With chapters including "If you don't ask, you don't get", "Fix the Physical", "Getting the message across", and "Confrontation is an invitation'" she use examples from her 25 years' experience of coaching people to communicate effectively to offer a unique blend of up-to-the-minute communication techniques coupled with a real understanding of human nature. This book will address boulders that many of us have difficulty shifting and offer refreshing and surprising ways to walk around them.

    ©2011 Juliet Erickson (P)2019 Juliet Erickson

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