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Couverture de Nine Tailed

Nine Tailed

De : Jayci Lee
Lu par : Michelle H. Lee, Greg Chun
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    An enemy on her tails, an innocent at her side, and a dangerous power within her that could destroy them all. Jayci Lee melds Korean folklore with modern Americana in this fiery new series.

    Sunny Cho aspires to be the dullest, least interesting person in any given room, which can be challenging for a nine-tailed fox spirit. So she drifts from city to city—staying clear of any and all attachment—and keeps her fox buried deep inside her. It is better this way. She would rather live as half of herself than risk losing control of her terrible powers.

    Ethan Lee, a friend she left behind eight years ago, is a brilliant and distractingly hot PI. When he tracks her down and asks her to help him find his brother’s murderer, Sunny knows her uneventful life is about to be turned upside down.

    Traversing the mortal realm and the world of gods, Sunny and Ethan discover their quest is much more dire than mere vengeance, and their friendship might be…more. An ancient evil is stirring, and Sunny is faced with an impossible choice: save the worlds from annihilation or claim the love fated by the heavens.

    ©2024 by Judith J. Yi. (P)2024 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.


    “An absolute thrill ride! Nine Tailed is brimming with action, humor, and smoldering tension. Lee spins a fantastically original tale filled with cool magic and swoony romance you don’t want to miss.”—Juliette Cross, bestselling author of the Stay a Spell series

    “Fast paced, heartwarming, and heartbreaking—my new fave fantasy romance! Supernatural meets K-drama vibes, immigrant globe-trotting immortals, and an epic battle between destiny and fate. Nine Tailed stole my heart with an explosion of fireworks and a wonderfully compelling gumiho. A stellar start to what promises to be a swoon-worthy series. I cannot wait to get my hands on the next one!”—A. Y. Chao, the Sunday Times bestselling author of Shanghai Immortal

    “Jayci Lee has gifted us with the best kind of romantasy—a wild ride with a sexy, protective hero, spunky protagonist, a fast-paced plot sprinkled with the perfect amount of sexual tension, and world building so layered and rich you can sink your teeth into it!”—#1 New York Times bestselling author Lexi Ryan

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