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Couverture de Nightfall


De : Lisa Phillips
Lu par : Chloe Pfeiffer
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    A woman determined to save lives.

    Violet Anderson fights for survival every day, as an EMT and volunteering at a center for teens. But nothing will erase the fallout of hitting rock bottom. Determined to keep going, Lettie has to juggle her callings and pray nothing falls out of her grasp. When her personal and professional lives crash into each other, she lands in the middle of a police investigation. Her carefully constructed boundaries are about to fall. But facing the path God puts in front of her head on means she could gain everything she’s ever wanted.

    A cop looking for a place to call home.

    Detective Blake Reed might be new to Intelligence, but he’s spent years training for this. All his skills will be put to the test when he’s given an assignment to sniff out drug deals at the Benson Teen Center. When he realizes who Lettie really is, the flimsy foundation of his career is shaken. Will the past come back to bite him and destroy the good he’s been able to do?

    With a dangerous bomber on the loose, Violet and Blake have to figure out how to keep it all from burning down. This time the entire first responder community is on the line.

    ©2023 Lisa Phillips (P)2024 Recorded Books

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