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Nico's Guilt

De : K T Banks
Lu par : John Torrente
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How much can one man take? 

Former Police Detective Nico Tribiani is still reeling from the murder of his girlfriend at the hands of a serial killer that he had been chasing. At the same time, he had virtually lost his best friend and former partner on the Dallas police department when Luke had married Shannon and moved back to Louisiana. He had given up his fight to quit smoking and now had added whiskey to his list of vices. 

Nico had seen enough of death and murder, blood and tears. If it wasn't for him and his job, Sherri would still be alive. If he had just taken the time to sit down with her and fully explain the case to her better, she probably wouldn't have put herself in harm's way trying to get his attention. 

When the phone rang, he almost didn't answer it. Shannon and Luke had been calling him on a regular basis - they we worried about him. Hell, sometimes he was, too. It took a minute to realize that it wasn't Shannon's voice on the machine, it was his little sister, Toni. "Nico, I really need your help, I'm in trouble. Can you come to New Orleans, tonight? Nico? Are you - " Nico jumped to get to the other side of the couch and grabbed the phone, "Toni? What's wrong?" "Oh, I'm so glad your there. I hate to bother you, but there are some men," She gasped, "Oh God! Nico!" He heard her scream before the line went dead. He just stood there with the receiver in his hand, and his heart in his throat. 

How much can one man take? Nico was about to find out.

©2011 Kt Buchholz (P)2019 Kt Buchholz
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