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Nickel City Storm Warning

De : Gary Earl Ross
Lu par : Gary Earl Ross
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There is a storm coming, as destructive as any hurricane or wildfire...with winds of rage driving a rain of hate.

Jasper Hellman, the surviving spree killer taken down by then Buffalo State security officer Gideon Rimes, is plotting payback from his Attica cell. In addition to busily watching his back after Hellman’s reach manages to get past the prison walls, private investigator Rimes is hired to ensure the safety of Drea Wingard, a best-selling author and cultural lightning rod who’s headed to Buffalo as the keynote speaker of a major diversity and inclusion conference.

Drea, too, is a survivor. Her revered memoir, In the Mouth of the Wolf, chronicles the horrifying home invasion and murder of her journalist husband by the hands of masked white supremacists. Narrowly escaping a similar fate, Drea took on her late husband’s dangerous mission to expose the domestic terrorists at whatever personal cost to her liberty, welfare, and soul.

After one of Rimes’s inner circle is assaulted in broad daylight, and there’s indication that Liberty Storm, a notorious hate group with possible ties to Drea’s nightmare, has come to spread bigotry and chaos, Rimes knows that in order to quell this cancerous evil, he’ll need to assemble a trusted team of surveillance, security, and law enforcement talent. Tasked with protecting Drea’s weeklong itinerary throughout town, and the packed conference hosted at a local billionaire’s luxury hotel complex, Rimes must lean into his honed skills and instincts, as Nickel City is on course to be in the eye of the storm.

©2021 Gary Earl Ross (P)2021 Gary Earl Ross
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