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Couverture de Nick Mohammed: A BBC Radio Comedy Collection

Nick Mohammed: A BBC Radio Comedy Collection

De : Nick Mohammed
Lu par : Nick Mohammed, Anna Crilly, Colin Hoult
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    Four BBC Radio 4 comedies from the award-winning Nick Mohammed, featuring an array of comic creations including Mr Swallow

    ‘Delightfully bonkers!’ The Guardian

    Double Emmy-nominated actor, comedian and writer Nick Mohammed is well known for his portrayal of Nate in Ted Lasso and his stage and screen performances as his critically-acclaimed alter ego Mr Swallow. For radio, he has written and starred in four fantastic comedy series, collected together in this audio anthology and co-starring Anna Crilly (Lead Balloon) and Colin Hoult (After Life).

    Nick Mohammed in Quarters features fast-paced sketches and monologues from Nick and friends. In these four episodes, you’ll meet an awkward loans clerk, a multi-tasking air traffic controller, a travel agent who doesn't do 'exotic’ and a manic anger management facilitator. Plus, there’s the weather forecast delivered backwards, smoothies in the jungle and the job interview from hell...

    Nick Mohammed in Bits comprises four one-off comic plays showcasing some of his best and most idiosyncratic characters, from a detective taking witness statements from an unhappy couple to self-important Sloane student Lila, clueless wildlife presenter Daniel Thornthwaite and lifestyle guru Mr Swallow.

    In the hit sitcom Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed, we join DS Nick and his long-suffering CID colleagues Colin and Anna (plus special guests Peter Dickson, Kate Alexander, Margaret Cabourn-Smith and Will Andrews) as they attempt to solve a murder, tackle hostage negotiations, get to grips with a student protest (with the help of Lila from In Bits), and deal with a bank heist. Series 2 sees the DS discovering a forgery ring, testifying in court, on the trail of a dangerous fugitive and providing additional security for a major event. Never have serious crimes been made more entertaining, whilst remaining utterly, utterly tasteful!

    Also included is Apollo 21, a one-off mockumentary profiling the pioneering astronauts from the 1968-1972 moon missions. Forty years after man first set foot on the lunar surface, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins come together to commemorate the anniversary and tell their stories – with contributions from Neil Armstrong’s mum and Laika, the first dog in space.

    Cast and credits

    Written and performed by Nick Mohammed

    With Colin Hoult and Anna Crilly

    Nick Mohammed in Quarters

    Produced by Victoria Lloyd

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 21 Jan-11 Feb 2009

    Nick Mohammed in Bits

    Produced by Victoria Lloyd

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 31 Aug-21 Sep 2010

    Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed

    With special guests Peter Dickson, Kate Alexander, Margaret Cabourn-Smith and Will Andrews

    Produced by Tilusha Ghelani and Victoria Lloyd

    Script Editor: Johnny Sweet

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 14 Dec 2011-4 Jan 2012 (Series 1), 3-24 Sep 2013 (Series 2)

    Nick Mohammed: Apollo 21

    Produced by Victoria Lloyd

    Recorded at Bedford University

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 11 Nov 2009

    Cover photography by Vanessa Whyte

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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