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Couverture de Next Chance You

Next Chance You

De : Brittany Wagner
Lu par : Brittany Wagner
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    Last Chance U star Brittany Wagner shows listeners that even when they think they have failed and all hope is lost, every day offers a new chance to get up, start over, and seize the opportunities that come their way.

    In the Netflix hit docuseries Last Chance U, athletic academic counselor Brittany Wagner helped student-athletes who found themselves at a crossroads dig deep and move beyond personal failure to find success. Wagner’s core mission - empowering others to bring their A-game into every interaction - is offered to listeners here in Next Chance You, a motivational guide to personal success. Delivering practical strategies to help listeners overcome obstacles, develop a growth mindset, and get out of their own damn way, she shares personal stories and lessons learned - from her own life and those she has counseled - with the same tough love and no-nonsense attitude that made her a fan favorite.

    Like many of the athletes she’s worked with over the years, Brittany Wagner hasn’t had it easy. From toxic relationships to challenging work environments, Brittany has had her own share of disappointments and setbacks in life, but her ability to reframe each day as an opportunity to start fresh has allowed her to rewrite her story and inspire those she’s counseled to do the same. Sharing the daily habits and best practices that have helped her student-athletes go from their worst days to careers in the NFL, Next Chance You applies Brittany’s experiential wisdom to everyday situations, giving listeners a motivational shot in the arm to view every day as an opportunity to be better than before and put in the hard work necessary to make their dreams come true. She shares stories from her own life and those she has counseled with distilled, actionable advice that will embolden everyone from college students to CEOs to step away from their excuses and fearlessly pursue their goals, whether finding a new job, leaving a relationship, or simply having more compassion for themselves and others.

    ©2021 Brittany Wagner (P)2021 Recorded Books Inc.

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