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  • New the Life and Times of Titos Vidas

  • One Man's Earthly & Spiritual Journey
  • De : Charles Dafydd
  • Lu par : Steven J Davis
  • Durée : 3 h et 39 min

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New the Life and Times of Titos Vidas

De : Charles Dafydd
Lu par : Steven J Davis
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    We could all write a book about our life's adventures, growing up and experiencing life on the planet Earth.

    It's like I've been living two different lives; a programmed one and a liberated one. I have had adventures, experienced romance, and started my life over at least a half dozen times. I have experienced a broken heart four different times by four different wives, but I have been single now for fourteen years!

    My life has changed drastically since my heart attack and open heart surgery in 2016. It's like the scales on my eyes were removed and I started becoming aware of things; truthful things. I have experienced an awakening, enlightenment and a transformation. I am finding my true self by looking inside; my spiritual self.

    Family and friends think I have lost my mind, but I have found myself inside my mind. Yes, I look and act different than I did just a few years ago, but the truth has set me free. I am truly at peace with my self and the universe and I strive to share what I have learned with others thru books.

    Tito Vidas

    ©2023, 2024 Ottie Carroll Davis (P)2024 Ottie Carroll Davis

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