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  • New Beginnings: Thanksgiving Books & Blessings Collection Five

  • The Forlorn, Book 1
  • De : Karen Gammons
  • Lu par : Louise Keeler
  • Durée : 3 h et 10 min

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Couverture de New Beginnings: Thanksgiving Books & Blessings Collection Five

New Beginnings: Thanksgiving Books & Blessings Collection Five

De : Karen Gammons
Lu par : Louise Keeler
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    Light, Love, and New Beginnings Replace the Sorrows of Her Past.

    Francis Lee has lost everyone she has ever loved—her father, mother, and her husband Grover to Scarlet Fever. Mr. Bales, who owns her house, is evicting her and sending her to live with Grover’s cousin Sam, his wife, and two daughters in the town of Forlorn.

    Francis goes to Forlorn to start life all over again as the town’s new school teacher. Sam’s wife, Faith, helps Francis to find God’s love and she accepts Him as her Savior. She also meets Grover’s other cousin, Joseph, and forms a relationship with him. But turmoil and jealousy at the fall festival makes her rethink a life spent with Joseph. Will the promise of a Thanksgiving marriage come true? Find out in New Beginnings.

    Collection Five

    1) TEXAS WILDFLOWERS by Caryl McAdoo

    2) NEW BEGINNINGS by Karen Gammons

    3) A DARK LUSTRE by Amy Walsh

    4) ESTELLE'S ENDEAVOR by Linda Shenton Matchett

    ©2021 Karen Gammons (P)2023 Karen Gammons

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