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  • Never Leave 2: The Story of Knowledge Toussaint

  • Book 2
  • De : S. Yvonne
  • Lu par : Ace Bentley
  • Durée : 4 h et 46 min

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Couverture de Never Leave 2: The Story of Knowledge Toussaint

Never Leave 2: The Story of Knowledge Toussaint

De : S. Yvonne
Lu par : Ace Bentley
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    The first installment was wicked, emotional, deep, and calculated; however, somewhere in between, love prevailed.

    But it didn't come easy as Knowledge Toussaint allowed us deep into his world as he cohorts his therapist, Mrs. Rini, in one of the most prestigious ways. His alluring presence and deep connection with her allowed her to fall weak while unknowingly helping to bring the untimely demise of her husband, a man who had caused so much pain in Knowledge's life.

    Now that Knowledge has conquered one demon, he ventures off into the past as the truth comes to surface about who Booney and Trice really were before he existed. With a new baby on the way, Knowledge is trying to find balance in his world while also fighting through any resentment Suga caused him to feel during the process. Knowledge is nowhere near having the peace he doesn't know he deserves because, in the back of his mind, new information is always lingering.

    You mistakenly fell in love with this handsome hitman as he took you on an adventure of his word, but it doesn't stop there. After all we've witnessed, it couldn't possibly get any deeper, or can it?

    ©2023 S. Yvonne (Shalaine Powell) (P)2024 Podium Audio

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