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Couverture de Never Have I Ever: Wanted My Brother's Rival

Never Have I Ever: Wanted My Brother's Rival

De : Willow Dixon
Lu par : Cooper North, Kirt Graves
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    Why is the one person I hate the only guy I can't stop thinking about?

    West, my older brother's high school rival. The rich kid who has it all. The guy who disappeared six years ago and destroyed my brother's life. I thought West and I were friends. I trusted him, but he showed me I was nothing more to him than a means to an end.

    Being twenty and in my last year of college isn't easy. Neither is being a virgin. I've never been normal or felt like I fit in, and I don't feel what I'm supposed to.

    My online job has given me the perfect way to solve my virginity problem. Then the last person I ever wanted to see again shows up on my doorstep. Not only has West learned what I do for a living, he's essentially my landlord.

    I hate him. So why can't I stay away from him? Why is he the only person I've ever felt a connection with? Who makes me feel like there's something in me worth wanting?

    Eli and West's story is an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers romance between a former bad boy who seemingly has it all and an awkward genius who's never felt like he fits in. Expect lots of banter and hot first times as these two try (and fail) to stay away from each other. It is the fourth novel in the steamy Never Have I Ever series but can be listened to as a standalone.

    ©2023 Willow Dixon (P)2023 Podium Audio

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