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Never Give Up

De : Sue Maud
Lu par : Scarlett Audrey
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Never Give Up

How does it feel to enter an entirely new city with tons of hopes at your back? What does it take to go against the odds and win against the best? How does a human complete the meaning of their life?

The imperfect world sheds light on the story of an amazingly talented girl, Anna, who is ready to mount the highs of the Earth. Her numb leg, frequent failures, or poor background doesn't stop her from fighting against the whole world on her own.

With the turn of events, Anna lands in an unfavorable situation in California—nothing in her pockets and no shelter to live in. Anna is done and ready to give up, but Gwen enters her life as a bright torch.

However, Gwen’s arrival doesn't mean the end of problems; instead, it is just the beginning. With the turn of events, the duo found themselves competing against each other in an international competition. Naturally, their amazing friendship for each other has increased during all this time, but you can't have two winners.

Life takes Anna from the villages of Chali to the modernistic city of New York and back to Chali as an established designer that is ready to change the world. But, it isn't going to be easy. The Jagirdar is a living danger, but Anna's confidence is unshaken. Will Anna be able to succeed in her aim? Or will she have to commit to the inhumane practices of the tyrannical head?

The Imperfect world is a story about motivation, courage, and determination; it teaches its listeners about the importance of not giving up; Anna's story highlights how commitment to a goal and the power to fight against your limitations can help anyone break their mental bounds and shine like the brightest star.

©2022 Sue Maud (P)2022 PublishDrive
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