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De : Dr. Helena Popovic
Lu par : Dr. Helena Popovic
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It’s not just what you eat, it’s why and how you eat.

The world is drowning in information on health, nutrition, and exercise, yet 95 percent of people who try to lose weight put it all back on, plus more, within 12 months of starting any sort of weight loss regime. Even diets that incorporate mindset and motivation lead to short-term results at best.

Why? Because the key factor in successful weight management has been overlooked: the brain.

The brain is our control centre. Every part of the body follows the signals and instructions sent out by the brain. It doesn’t matter if you have a slow metabolism, a frenetic lifestyle, or a genetic predisposition to weight gain, because NeuroSlimming addresses the underlying cause of the issue and gives you a Mind Plan rather than a meal plan.

NeuroSlimming brings the latest discoveries in brain science to weight management. NeuroSlimming provides the missing piece in the weight loss puzzle. You will gain a deep understanding of how your brain and body work together to create vibrant health and lasting vitality. NeuroSlimming sets you free. Free of dieting, struggling, worrying, wishing, craving, and emotional eating. Free of guilt and anguish about what, when, and how much to eat. Free to make peace with your body and live life to the full. Free to enjoy food because you’ll learn how to feed your spirit, not starve your body.

Dr. Helena Popovic's deep understanding of what drives self-sabotaging behaviours will show you how to overcome them. She also explains why you could be doing ‘everything right’ yet still not achieving the results you want.

You will feel that this book knows you. It will become your supportive friend, your wise guide and your ongoing inspiration.

NeuroSlimming opens avenues for change that were not previously known to exist.

NeuroSlimming is revolutionary. It takes you beyond information to lifelong transformation.

In 2016, NeuroSlimming won Bronze Medal in the international Living Now Awards.

©2021 Helena Popovic (P)2021 Helena Popovic
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