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Couverture de Neighbor, Love Yourself

Neighbor, Love Yourself

De : Bryan Crum, Bob Goff
Lu par : Bryan Crum, Bob Goff
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    God loves us, but do we love ourselves? Having listened to hundreds of life stories, Bryan Crum realized too many people carry regret. With a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Bob Goff, Neighbor, Love Yourself reminds us all that we are worthy.

    “This book, a guide to self-love, is filled with wisdom, humor, and invaluable insights that will empower you to live life with newfound confidence and authenticity.”—Mark Batterson, author of The Circle Maker

    God gave us divinely sophisticated tools, so we could live the powerful life he intended. The problem is most of us don’t know they exist . . . or how to use them. The result is an inner worth we aren’t aware of and a life unknowingly lived at half capacity.

    Neighbor, Love Yourself launches an internal expedition to uncover the hidden features installed within us bearing our Maker’s fingerprints. Though we’ve forgotten how to use these custom parts, they still work. They’re not rusty, just dusty.

    Bryan Crum spent a decade as a hospice chaplain. His time at the bedside of dying people gave him a front-row view into how God designed us. He discovered that most people felt they never reached their full potential. Their longings and regrets led to incredible insights about what’s most often missed—the power of love.

    Filled with memorable stories and timeless takeaways, Neighbor, Love Yourself reveals how understanding our inner value changes the way we live on the outside. Before we can truly love our neighbors—or anyone else—we must learn to love ourselves as God intended.

    If you’ve doubted your design, felt unfulfilled, or are unaware of the divine features inside you, this book is like finding a lost owner’s manual to your inner workings—one that invites you to take joy in your pricelessness instead of wondering about your worth.

    ©2024 Bryan Crum (P)2024 Random House Audio


    “Crum uncovers the Maker’s fingerprints on our inner selves, reminding us that our self-worth is not lost, just waiting to be dusted off. This book, a guide to self-love, is filled with wisdom, humor, and invaluable insights that will empower you to live life with newfound confidence and authenticity.”—Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker

    “I started reading Neighbor, Love Yourself because the author asked me to; I finished reading it because I couldn’t put it down. As one who has lost so many I love, I found that this book puts words to the truths I want to live out before forever begins.”—Rachel Wojo, author of One More Step and Pure Joy

    “Crum has done a great job of outlining applicable, hands-on ideas for how we can use our God-breathed wiring to improve our lives and the lives of others. He has deep reservoirs of wisdom, but he also tells a great story. One of his stories made my family snort-laugh over dinner as I read it to them, and when we finished laughing, we talked about the good, true things we learned in that same chapter. Neighbor, Love Yourself is that kind of book.”—Kimberly Stuart, author and public speaker

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