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Couverture de Necromancers Don't Fear the Reaper

Necromancers Don't Fear the Reaper

De : Ozz Osborn, Beth Osborn
Lu par : Garan Patrick
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    If you like to listen to bathroom stall jokes or ever wondered what would happen if the funny guy and his wife from your table top game group wrote a book, look no further because this book is for you. Imagine waking up to find out that not only had you died, but your consciousness had been transferred into a game and the only one to help you navigate your new reality is the unlikely sidekick who thinks you are a complete idiot. Written by a husband and wife, this other world adventure book is full of light hearted banter, dirty jokes, unconventional characters and slight undertones of the system being out to get you because, to the main character, it really is out to get him.

    ©2024 Aaron Osborn (P)2024 Aaron Osborn

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