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Navigating Travel Baseball - 7U to 14U: What Parents and Players Need to Know Right Now!

De : Tony Midea, Mitch Midea
Lu par : Tony Midea, Mitch Midea
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A year-by-year guide of what to expect and how to find the best team for your son, plus a player's perspective on many aspects of travel baseball. 

Your son has been invited to join a travel team, and your life is about to change in ways large and small. Enjoy the ride, and let us help you navigate. We’ve been part of a travel-baseball family for many years now, and it has been a wonderful experience. But it would’ve been nice to know what we were getting into and how this would change year after year. 

There are plenty of “little league” guides in the marketplace. But you would be hard pressed to find a detailed year-by-year guide on firsthand travel baseball experiences you could use to prepare you for each season and even to help you choose the right team for your son. This audiobook is the guide you’ve been looking for and will help you make the most of your travel baseball life and experiences.

Your travel baseball experience will be closely tied to your relationship with your coaching staff. This guide provides a list of questions to ask the coach before agreeing to play with a travel team. Questions such as player fees, practice schedules, fundraiser opportunities, outside training requirements, if family vacations are allowed during the season, pitching philosophies, and many more are included. Gain an understanding of how the game changes year after year. 

This audiobook devotes a chapter to each age division, beginning with seven and under and continuing through 14 and under, and provides guidance on rule changes, field dimensions, and coaches' expectations. It includes techniques of how to effectively advocate for your son (and how to not be the problem parent). We also discuss avenues to avoid having your son overpitched. 

Learn what the coaching staff will expect from your son...and your family.

Expectations at this level of competitive play are far higher than in community recreation leagues. Players are expected to come to practice ready for action, and training outside of practice will be expected. These expectations will increase each year. Learn what will be expected at each age range. 

Learn sources for discounted baseball gear. 

The costs associated with travel baseball are often in the thousands of dollars for players’ fees in addition to the necessary baseball gear. We provide some of our favorite sources for discounted quality baseball gear from local and online retailers. Did you know taking your bat to your local batting cage voids the warranty? Also included are dos and don’ts for one of the most expensive purchases - your bat. 

About the authors: We love to write. We love to share and communicate. We love baseball. So this audiobook is a natural endeavor for us as we can combine all of our loves into one very useful work of art that will benefit anyone who chooses to spend some time with us. 

©2015 Tony Midea (P)2018 Tony Midea
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