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Couverture de Navigating Bias at Work

Navigating Bias at Work

De : Meara Habashi, The Great Courses
Lu par : Meara Habashi
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    While we’ve made progress on social equity, some workplaces still don’t operate in the most inclusive ways. And when bias and discrimination, whether explicit or implicit, go unresolved, they disrupt not just our health and productivity, but that of our entire organization.

    Navigating Bias at Work is designed to help you work and thrive in places where bias runs rampant. Led by Meara Habashi, an instructor with a wealth of experience studying and applying the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, this Audible Original is a compassionate resource for employees on all rungs of the corporate ladder searching for thoughtful, constructive ways to handle the reality of bias.

    These lectures offer practical skills—rooted in cutting-edge psychological research and sociological models—that will empower you when bias shows up in your workplace. You’ll learn how to identify easy-to-miss biases; how to stop yourself from being biased toward others; how to respond when you find yourself the victim of bias; how to be the best ally and advocate for coworkers who can’t confront bias on their own; and much more.

    It can be exhausting to successfully navigate situations of workplace bias. This Audible Original will equip you for the struggle.

    ©2023 Audible Originals, LLC (P)2023 Audible Originals, LLC

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