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Couverture de Native Southerners

Native Southerners

De : Gregory D. Smithers
Lu par : Gary Roelofs
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    Long before the indigenous people of southeastern North America first encountered Europeans and Africans, they established communities with clear social and political hierarchies and rich cultural traditions. Award-winning historian Gregory D. Smithers brings this world to life in Native Southerners, a sweeping narrative of American Indian history in the Southeast from the time before European colonialism to the Trail of Tears and beyond.

    This book gives voice to the lived history of such well-known polities as the Cherokees, Creeks, Seminoles, Chickasaws, and Choctaws, as well as smaller Native communities. From the oral and cultural traditions of these Native peoples, as well as the written archives of European colonists and their Native counterparts, Smithers constructs a vibrant history of the societies, cultures, and peoples that made and remade the Native South in the centuries before the American Civil War. What emerges is a complex picture of how Native Southerners understood themselves and their world - a portrayal linking community and politics, warfare and kinship, migration, adaptation, and ecological stewardship - and how this worldview shaped and was shaped by their experience both before and after the arrival of Europeans.

    The book is published by University of Oklahoma Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks.

    ©2019 University of Oklahoma Press (P)2021 Redwood Audiobooks


    "This thoughtful and sensitive narrative offers a compelling perspective on the clashes between Natives and Europeans...." (Lynette Allston, Chief of the Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia)

    "An indispensable work for all scholars of southern Indians." (Angela Pulley Hudson, author of Creek Paths and Federal Roads)

    "A short and accessible overview of the southern Indian experience up to 1840 that will have great value for college students and professors alike." (Southwestern Historical Quarterly)

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