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  • Narcissist Abuse Recovery

  • The Ultimate Guide for How to Understand, Cope, and Move on from Narcissism in Toxic Relationships ((Narcissist and Codependent, Book 1)
  • De : Jean Harrison, Melody Dixon
  • Lu par : Aimee McKenzie
  • Durée : 3 h et 12 min

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Narcissist Abuse Recovery

De : Jean Harrison, Melody Dixon
Lu par : Aimee McKenzie
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    Would you like to stop being the narcissist’s punching bag and regain the respect that you deserve? Then, read on...

    It’s a fact that the narcissist in your life doesn’t care about you. Dr. Judith Orloff said it best: “Narcissists have an empathy deficit disorder. They’re not capable of empathy as we know it.” As a result, they are more likely to engage in manipulative behaviors than to commit long-term.

    To the narcissist, you're nothing more than a source of attention, admiration, and praise. They need you to supply these things so that they can continue to support their inflated false sense of self. 

    Realizing that you are in an abusive relationship can be a difficult challenge for anyone to face. Luckily, you are not alone in this journey.

    If you've been a victim of verbal abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, exploitation, subjugation, isolation, or even violence, then listening to this audiobook will greatly benefit you! 

    In Narcissist Abuse Recovery, you'll learn how to break free of your abuser, get through the recovery process, and form meaningful relationships.

    In this audiobook, you’ll discover:

    • The undeniable traits that qualify you as the ultimate target for narcissists
    • The horrifying abuse cycle stages narcissists funnel you through to turn into a chew toy
    • Ways to reveal the mask that narcissists use to hide their true identity
    • A simple technique for silencing your abuser and taking control of the situation
    • Effective methods for recovering from abuse and healing psychological trauma
    • And much more!

    The road to healing and recovery has never been easier. This book was written by someone who's experienced what you've been through - pain, confusion, and desperation for something better.

    So, if you don’t want to wait any longer to get the life you deserve, then I invite you to buy and listen to this audiobook today.

    ©2019 Jean Harrison (P)2020 Jean Harrison

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