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  • Narcissism and Codependency

  • Learn How to Deal with a Narcissistic Personality. Guide Through the Stages of Recovery from Emotionally Abusive Relationships with a Narcissist
  • De : Benedict Daniel
  • Lu par : James Rising
  • Durée : 3 h et 2 min

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Narcissism and Codependency

De : Benedict Daniel
Lu par : James Rising
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    Healing from emotional abuse.

    Surviving a narcissist and learning how to start again.

    Guide through the stages of recovery from emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist.

    How do you move on after a failed relationship with a narcissist? How do you get back up when you feel abused, betrayed, knocked down, and used by the one person you love the most?

    Leaving a relationship can be traumatic. However, when you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, it can be heart wrenching, emotionally draining, and devastating. This is why you need all the help you can get to recover stronger than ever. A relationship with a narcissist will leave you feeling drained, broken, dejected, worthless etc. No matter how hard you try to make this relationship work, it’s pointless. There is no happy ending for a narcissistic relationship.

    This audiobook (Narcissism and Codependency) was written with the aim of offering a practical approach to victims of narcissistic abuse. This is an audiobook that will guide you and hold your hand till you get back up after breaking up with a narcissist.

    • Subtle and covert ways in which a narcissist abuses you
    • Major tactic that forms the basics of narcissistic abuse
    • Understanding the mindset of a narcissist
    • Knowing when it is time to leave a narcissist
    • How to survive emotional abuse from a narcissist
    • A step-by-step guide on breaking up with a narcissist
    • Protecting yourself from a narcissist
    • Practical activities to help a narcissist recover
    • Ways to recover after a narcissistic abuse
    • And so much more...
    ©2019 Benedict Daniel (P)2020 Benedict Daniel

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