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Couverture de Nanny Needed

Nanny Needed

De : Georgina Cross
Lu par : Emma Ashton
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    When Sarah Larsen answers the Bird family’s advertisement, her life changes overnight.

    The job seems like a dream come true: nannying in a glamorous penthouse apartment with a salary that adds several zeroes to her current income.

    Sarah signs the contract binding her to complete secrecy without a second thought. These are important people, after all—they can't be too careful about who they let into their home.

    All is well until events in Sarah’s life begin to take a sinister turn and the trail leads back to the Birds. She soon realises there's something very strange about the family.

    But by then, is it too late for her?

    A completely gripping psychological thriller from the author of the number one best seller The Stepdaughter. Perfect for fans of The Nanny, The Couple Next Door and The Family Upstairs.

    ©2021 Georgina Cross, Penguin Random House LLC (P)2021 Penguin Random House LLC


    "Twisty, eerie and completely bingeworthy, this book makes you feel claustrophobic and tense.... But you can’t look away until you reach the truly surprising ending." (Hannah Mary McKinnon)

    "Wild, unpredictable and utterly absorbing, Nanny Needed is a gasp-out-loud thriller that will make your head spin." (Samantha M. Bailey)

    "Nanny Needed is a sly exploration of madness as it escalates to consume an entire family—and the nanny who must keep their secrets from the world. With intensely gothic vibes, this story is creepy, sinister and unmissable.” (J.T. Ellison, New York Times best-selling author)

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