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Mystical and Magical Societies and Practitioners

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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This book is a reference guide to mystical and magical orders around the world. Major religions are not the focus, although I do include some mystical organizations within some religions. These organizations include Jewish Kabbalah in Judaism, and the Sufis in Islam.

There are many societies around the world which don’t fall into the standard religious categories. Some are spiritual in nature, and the ones listed here are those which follow some types of mystical and/or spiritual practices or beliefs.

Many of these organizations subscribe to the beliefs that, through our own efforts, we can develop our spiritual abilities which can do amazing things.

The groups listed are also current and have active members in our world.

I’ve also included some metaphysical organizations which also have spiritual goals but may also include a focus on the mystical.

There is also some history of the usage of psychedelic plants for spiritual and paranormal experiences. (Disclaimer: hTese can be very dangerous and should only be done with experienced practitioners.)

Not included are organizations who worship or follow Satan or the Devil.

©2022 Martin K. Ettington (P)2022 Martin K. Ettington
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