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  • Mystery of the Ballerina Ghost: Austria

  • Pack-n-Go Girls Adventures, Book 1
  • De : Janelle Diller
  • Lu par : Kae Denino
  • Durée : 1 h

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Mystery of the Ballerina Ghost: Austria

De : Janelle Diller
Lu par : Kae Denino
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    Welcome to Austria!

    Nine-year-old Brooke Mason has lived all her life on a ranch in the Colorado Rockies. Now she's headed to Austria with her mom. Brooke can't wait! They even get to stay in Schloss Mueller, an ancient Austrian castle. Even better? There's a girl Brooke's age to play with! Eva, the girl who lives in Schloss Mueller is thrilled to meet Brooke. Unfortunately, the castle's ghost isn't quite so happy.

    2017 Literary Classics Gold - Best Series - Young Reader

    2017 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award Silver - Best Chapter Book Series

    2014 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award Gold - Best Chapter Book Series

    About Pack-n-Go Girls: Designed by girls for girls who love to play and travel, Pack-n-Go Girls engages the imagination of children ages six to nine by introducing them to different countries around the world. Pack-n-Go Girls early chapter book adventures are packed with spooky mysteries, international friendships, and lots of fun and easy multicultural learning. Check out the Pack-n-Go Girls website for more learning fun and free learning activities:

    ©2013 WorldTrek Publishing (P)2018 WorldTrek Publishing

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