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Couverture de My Wisdom Wake UP Call (R) - Daily Inspirations - Volume 1

My Wisdom Wake UP Call (R) - Daily Inspirations - Volume 1

De : Mary Morrissey
Lu par : Mary Morrissey, Robin B. Palmer
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    Get five minutes of inspiration - whenever and wherever you need it - with My Wisdom Wake UP Call® daily messages with thought leader Mary Morrissey!

    Volume 1: Butterflies and change; An unexamined life; Keep going; Breath; The Power of momentum; The giving story; Prayer and service; Making a difference; Meeting with God; Thinking good thoughts; Choose to think positively; Next steps; Driving across the U.S.; Silence and singing; Angels and answers.

    My Wisdom Wake UP Call® is part of a series of patented inspiring messages invented by former longtime Broadway star Robin Boudreau Palmer. My Wake UP Call® Motivational Alarm Clock® Messages & My Good Night Messages™ are uniquely structured, morning and evening five-minute messages with renowned experts and thought leaders, which bookend every day with inspiration to achieve your personal goals and dreams, instead of with blaring buzzers and negative news.

    And now you can get inspired anytime, anywhere with My Wake UP Call® Motivating Messages and My Wake UP Call® Daily Inspirations! Messages can also be automated to play with free, playlist playing alarm apps at the Apple Store, Google Play, or with list of recommended apps at

    As featured in Shape, Self, USA Today, Fox and NBC TV, and Robin's TEDx Talk, "The Most Important Minutes of Your Day".

    Process Patent 8,064,295 - Motivational Alarm: "Motivational Messages Plus Alarm, Not Restricted to Wake Up." My Wake UP Call®, My Wake UP Calls®, and Motivational Alarm Clock® are three of eight registered trademarks of My Successables™ Inc. ©2014 My Successables™ Inc. All messages and message formats are copy written. All Rights Reserved.

    ©2014 My Successables, Inc. (P)2014 My Successables, Inc.
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