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Couverture de My Voice Is a Trumpet

My Voice Is a Trumpet

De : Jimmie Allen
Lu par : Mary Beth Adair
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    "The rhythm and flow of words perfectly match the art while advising readers to choose love and use their voices in a powerful song." (School Library Journal, starred review)

    From rising country star Jimmie Allen comes a lyrical celebration of the many types of voices that can effect change.

    From voices tall as a tree, to voices small as a bee, all it takes is confidence and a belief in the goodness of others to change the world. Coming at a time when issues of social justice are at the forefront of our society, this is the perfect audiobook to teach children in and out of the classroom that they're not too young to express what they believe in and that all voices are valuable.

    The perfect companion for little listeners going back to school!

    Stay tuned after the story to hear a special Q&A between author Jimmie Allen and the narrator - his former kindergarten teacher - Mary Beth Adair!

    This audiobook contains an original song written by Jimmie Allen entitled “My Voice Is a Trumpet”. Used with permission of the artist.

    ©2021 Jimmie Allen (P)2021 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "The text urges children to speak up - show strength - yet also encourages loving, comforting others, and reminding all 'we’re Sisters and Brothers' who have faces of diverse races and ethnicities. VERDICT A suggested first choice for libraries, the rhythm and flow of words perfectly match the art while advising readers to choose love and use their voices in a powerful song." (School Library Journal, starred review)

    "Johnson supplements the lyrical text with soft-hued, gently textured art, featuring a cast inclusive across ability, age, hair texture, skin color, and religion that occasionally mirrors the text and occasionally diverges. This short, optimistic picture book urges children to steward their voices well." (Publishers Weekly)

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