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Couverture de My Two Uncles & Me

My Two Uncles & Me

De : Jeff Rivera
Lu par : Jo Nelson
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    Two Uncles is better than one!

    Having two uncles is so much fun, and two uncles are definitely better than one! Together, they'll teach you all about studying, baking, and football. My Two Uncles will take you on a journey of twice the compassion, twice the understanding, and twice the love.

    Perfect for any family that has two uncles, two daddies, two aunties, or two mommies.

    If you're a fan of My Princess Boy, Mommy, Mama, and Me, 10,000 Dresses, And Tango Makes Three, Daddy, Papa, and Me, William's Doll, or The Different Dragon, you'll love this book.

    We live in a time where self-acceptance is more important than ever. The NAACP, GLAAD, PFLAG, Family Equality, are all doing important work to support this but kids need to learn at a very early age that being a little different, having two mommies or two daddies or two uncles or two aunties who are partners, is a beautiful thing. Books like My Two Uncles & Me by Jeff Rivera are a wonderful stepping stone for children.

    ©2016 Jeff Rivera (P)2016 Jeff Rivera
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "I'm now a great-uncle, and love that Jeff Rivera's book makes the point that all uncles can be great!" (Greg Louganis, Olympic Gold Medalist)
    "Truly charming and full of love. The artwork and the warmth, simplicity and honest message about the universality of love, life and family touched my heart and reminded me that at the core of all human experience is simply love and family no matter where we might find it and in what form or shape. We are ALL Gods children." (Richard Hatch, Survivor winner)
    "I couldn't help but smile all the way through this book as I read it to my niece. Clearly, now is the time when even children's books reflect the huge and important element that gay relationships play in millions of families across the US and the world. Way to go." (Reichen Lehmkuhl, Amazing Race)

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