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My Story

De : Caroline Cossey
Lu par : Katherine Fenton
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    Caroline "Tula" Cossey was born with male genitalia but went on to become a beautiful woman with a successful modeling career.

    My Story is Tula's candid thought-provoking, enlightening, humorous, heart wrenching, and motivational account of her struggles: her troubled childhood being bullied and taunted in East Anglia, her dreams of becoming a woman, the operations that liberated her sexually, and the journey from showgirl to James Bond girl to top international model.

    At the height of her career, Tula had appeared in Vogue, Cosmopolitan and Harper's Bazaar, and graced the covers of many top fashion and beauty magazines and calendars around the world. She was also the first transgendered model to appear in Playboy magazine and was featured on the cover of multiple international editions.

    After she was twice exposed by the News of the World, Tula's career plummeted and her marriage to multi-millionaire Elias Fattal was annulled. In the spring of 1989, she was forced to make a unique appeal to the European Commission of Human Rights: she was fighting for the legal validation of her marriage as a female and the right to have her birth certificate amended after gender reassignment surgery.

    Her activism led to appearances on numerous television and radio shows with people such as Phil Donahue, Joan Rivers, Howard Stern, Geraldo Rivera, Montel Williams, Maury Povich, Arsenio Hall, Neal Boortz, David Frost, Gloria Hunniford, and Jonathan Ross. She has also often been featured on Entertainment Tonight, had a day named after her in Atlanta, Georgia, and was given the key to the city.

    My Story is not just the true account of Tula's battle for the body she needed to survive and her struggle for the legal rights she deserved as a woman. It's above all an inspirational exemplification of the triumph of the human spirit over seemingly insurmountable adversity and suffering.

    ©1992 Caroline Cossey (P)2015 Caroline Cossey
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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