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Couverture de My Skin Is Lovely

My Skin Is Lovely

De : Shem Diana Moses
Lu par : Davina Oriakhi
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    Welcome to Super Girl Shaya's guide to her superpowers!

    Your children are more powerful and spectacular than society thinks!

    All a parent wants in life is to ensure that their child knows how beautiful and powerful they are, despite how some may treat them. Written by an author focused on writing empowering self-love stories and uplifting affirmations for Black girls, My Skin Is Lovely will help your child understand that they are beautiful and powerful and can achieve anything they set their minds to by using positive affirmations with the ABCs.

    They will learn that they should never hide who they are and that they should feel comfortable, confident, and beautiful in their own skin. My Skin is Lovely is a wonderful book for young Black girls and will teach them the importance of confidence in a world that may not put an importance on it.

    My Skin Is Lovely children's book is fun and uplifting and will make your little Black girls feel empowered. It will be loved by your little princesses. #loveskin.

    On a personal note, I write and produce audiobooks you can enjoy together to ensure your little Black supergirl is not just comfortable with the color of her skin but confident that her mahogany hue is absolutely stunning! I am following a calling to shift the conversation from a place of embracing inclusion to teaching pride.

    ©2021 Shem Diana Moses (P)2022 Shem Diana Moses

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