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My Name Is Sam

De : Samantha Carbon
Lu par : Natasha Caesar
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When Sam - a bright and high-spirited professional, working for an investment bank - walks into work on Monday morning, she thinks it's just going to be an ordinary start to an ordinary week.

But one quick and tense exchange is all it takes to change that.

When her more than slightly passive-aggressive, hot-this-week-and-cold-next-week colleague randomly hurls a racial slur at her, in the middle of the workday, Sam's previously comfortable life immediately turns into one filled with stress and anxiety.

In the aftermath, Sam's choice becomes clearer, and clearer.

She can continue to ignore the nagging voice inside her, the one telling her that she'd better not just "let this go" lest she lose all respect for herself, or she can speak up to the powers that be, and demand what is right...possibly losing her livelihood, and the only career she's known for two decades, in the process.

©2021 Samantha Carbon (P)2022 Samantha Carbon
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