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Couverture de My Lucky Life in and Out of Show Business

My Lucky Life in and Out of Show Business

De : Dick Van Dyke
Lu par : Dick Van Dyke
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    Now available for the first time in audiobook, narrated by the man himself.

    Dick Van Dyke, indisputably one of the greats of the golden age of television, is admired and beloved by audiences the world over for his beaming smile, his physical dexterity, his impeccable comic timing, his ridiculous stunts, and his unforgettable screen roles. His trailblazing television programme, The Dick Van Dyke Show, was one of the most popular sitcoms of the 1960s and introduced another major television star, Mary Tyler Moore, it also won fifteen Primetime Emmy Awards. But Dick Van Dyke was also an enormously engaging movie star whose films, including Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, have been discovered by each new generation of fans and are as beloved today as when they first appeared. Who doesn't know the word 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'?

    A colourful, loving, richly detailed look at the decades of a multi-layered life, My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business will enthral every generation of listener, from baby-boomers who recall when Rob Petrie became a household name, to all those still enchanted by Bert's 'Chim Chim Cher-ee'. This is a lively, heartwarming memoir of a performer who still thinks of himself as a 'simple song-and dance man', but who is, in every sense of the words, a classic entertainer.

    ©2016 Dick Van Dyke (P)2024 Bonnier Books UK

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