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Couverture de My Life in Pieces

My Life in Pieces

De : Andrew Horner
Lu par : Andrew Horner
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    This book is a deep dive into this complex world and what it means to be human…the pain we feel, the love, the loss, the darkness and the light and the true power of words and their healing nature.

    In this day and age men hardly ever talk about their problems or feelings, let alone turn them into poetry, perhaps this book can be a catalyst for men finding a sense of power and honor in vulnerability and how it's a huge part of being human. “Our darkness is a classroom with the lights off, but the lessons there are truly enlightening”

    Peel back the curtain into this fascinating world Andrew has crafted from a mix of fictional stories and some past events that have shaped his world.

    ©2022,2023,2024 Andrew Horner (P)2024 Andrew Horner

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