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Couverture de My Kind of Cowboy

My Kind of Cowboy

De : R.C. Ryan
Lu par : Holly Warren
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    This New York Times best-selling author delivers a "page-turning romance" (Nora Roberts) about a city girl on the run and the strong, protective cowboy who keeps her safe.

    Brand Merrick is a take-charge cowboy who considers relax a four-letter word. So when an injury lands him six weeks of physical therapy, he intends to keep right on working - until his grandmother hires a therapist to stay at their family ranch. He's not used to following orders, or slowing down, but Avery Grant has a way of getting him to do things he'd never thought he'd do....

    Avery hates to admit it, but this super sexy rancher is testing her patience...and her professionalism. She's a born-and-bred city girl, yet she finds herself drawn to the rugged wilderness and the equally rugged cowboy she's here to help. But when a threat from her past follows Avery to Montana, it's Brand who rides to the rescue - if only she'll put her trust in him and the growing feelings in her heart.

    Includes the bonus novel Cowboy Rebel by New York Times best-selling author Carolyn Brown!

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Ruth Ryan Langan (P)2020 Hachette Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    "R. C. Ryan delivers it all. Exceptional storytelling - romance, suspense, humor, drama and cowboys." (Nora Roberts, New York Times best-selling author)

    "Ryan's gorgeous descriptions of ranch country and the Grand Tetons add escapist pleasure to this family-centric romance. Readers are sure to be swept away." (Publishers Weekly, on My Kind of Cowboy)

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