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Couverture de My Journey with God

My Journey with God

De : Rhoda Collins
Lu par : Mandy Grant-Grierson
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    This book includes:

    • Supernatural testimonies of bilocation, translocation, healing, and spiritual warfare
    • Heavenly crowns you should be wearing/the seven spirits of God
    • The four chambers of the heart/traveling in the Spirit
    • Spirit of wisdom and her handmaidens/getting justice in heavens courts

    My journey with God goes to multidimensional levels of reality that's beyond human comprehension.

    Nothing in this world is worth striving for, as this world is in the process of decaying day by day. When I'm in the spiritual realm with Father, Jesus, angels, the cloud of witnesses, and all the other beings, I'm in His multidimensional love. I experience Heaven beyond all that I could describe with human words. There is nothing like it. Father's love is immeasurable.

    In the spiritual realm are gardens, treasures, and dimensions that we, as children of God, have inherited and that are available to us now and through eternity. What I've experienced on my journey with God and revealed to you here is only a fraction of reality.

    Father says to you, "My dear ones, don't hesitate to come up here. I am waiting with My arms open. Come and fellowship with Me and drink from the water of life. Get to know Me Face to face. I am. My heart leaps for joy for each of you to experience My multidimensional love and all that I have in store for you."

    Jesus says to all of you reading this precious book, "I Am the Son Who died for you. Receive My love in a unique way. Come up here to meet me Face to face. Let's travel together in the unknown and explore Father's kingdom. Heaven doesn't compare with anything you've seen here. Let your hearts expand beyond where you are. My heart longs for you. Come. I am. My love for you is infinite."

    "And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things) not on the things that are on the earth," Colossians 3:2

    "And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One)." Ephesians 2:6

    ©2020 Rhoda Collins (P)2022 Rhoda Collins

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