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My Incredible Paranormal, Spiritual, and Out of the Box Experiences

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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Many of my friends who know me well and know some of my experiences insist I should write an autobiography because many people will find my stories fascinating.

My life has been about my spiritual and paranormal explorations of the world and studies of our universe. These views are discussed in more than 100 books and are detailed near the end of this autobiography.

These stories include a spirit attacking me, many prophecies of mine - some of which saved my life - a fight with a bear in the wilderness, and many other strange experiences, including a spiritual-enlightenment event and specific memories from before, during, and just after my birth.

My education as an engineer at a top school has led me to an analytical point of view about the world, but I’ve also remained open to new and “impossible” experiences without denying that they really happened. This has led me to a pretty unique point of view as a writer about many “out of the box” subjects that some professionals condemn as illusionary - but many individuals really experience.

The experiences of my life in this book should also give you a good idea of the circumstances that created the person I am today and why I write the books that I do.

I’ve grouped my major life experiences mostly sequentially, but some things that took place over longer periods of time are grouped together, so there is some overlap in different chapters of my life. But you can see how all these topics blend together.

©2021 Martin K. Ettington (P)2021 Martin K. Ettington
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