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My Girlfriend’s Journal

De : Ashvin Raj
Lu par : Srija Chimmani
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Lies of Truth is a realistic fiction series surrounding the lives of two people who fell in love. In this - the first book - the girl writes in her personal journal about her life with God. Through this, we are introduced to the characters, and this book lays the framework for future books in the series.

Lies of Truth is an Amazon best-selling series that comes under realistic fiction with romantic suspense. The first book to the series sold more than 50,000 units altogether within a year. Author Ashvin Raj consistently got recognitions in nationally renowned media. He is well-appreciated for bringing such a different approach and his notable contribution to the world of realistic fiction.

Author Ashvin Raj had a penchant for writing from his school days. His debut My Girlfriend's Journal, the first book to the series Lies of Truth entered Amazon's best-selling list within a week of its release achieving global attention and featured in renowned news media. The book then earned the title of Amazon International Best seller in a year.

He is also the first Asian writer to publish a hardcover with KDP and the first Indian writer to publish on Kindle Vella - I'm Emotionless. He is named the "One Dollar Instructor" among aspiring authors as he supports their authorships for just one dollar. He is also the co-founder of Booksthakam India, Booksthakam USA, and Writers' Readers.

©2020 Ashvin Raj (P)2021 Ashvin Raj
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