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Couverture de My Frumpy Reading Sweater

My Frumpy Reading Sweater

De : P. Kevin Remington
Lu par : Beau Davidson
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    Over the years, I have told many stories around a campfire in Algonquin Park during our family camping trips. My kids each have their favourite stories that I have to tell over and over again. Friends who were also with us had their favourite stories they wanted me to tell.

    The problem was that I never did write down the stories in the thirty years of telling. My family finally convinced me to write down the stories.

    This is a collection of the some of the stories I told and one my daughter told.

    The time seemed right to share the stories with everyone. Since the stories put smiles on many of my friends' faces, I thought it would be good for others.

    Each story is the perfect length for a bedtime story.

    Listen with your young children. My children are in their thirties, and still upon occasion I have to read for them. Now sit back, get comfortable, and let me get my frumpy reading sweater, and we will begin. Once upon a time...

    ©2023 P. Kevin Remington (P)2024 P. Kevin Remington
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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