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Couverture de My First Heroes: 12 Bedtime Stories from the Quran

My First Heroes: 12 Bedtime Stories from the Quran

De : Reem Rahman, Marium A. Rahman
Lu par : Marium A. Rahman
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    The My First Heroes: 12 Bedtime Stories from the Quran audiobook is a companion to the boxed book set My First Heroes: 2 Minute Bedtime Stories from the Quran. This audiobook contains an entertaining narration of the 12 bedtime stories, along with fun sound effects, heroic teachable moments, conversation activity guides, fun tips on when to revisit stories throughout the year, character-building guides, and 12 new duas/ayahs from the Quran. The audiobooks bring all the stories to life, giving children very memorable sayings they will love to quote all day! Two bonus tracks collect all the heroic moments in one place as a unique teaching tool for children to learn duas and ayahs from the Quran: read for kids, by kids!

    Listening time: 79 minutes

    Language: English and Arabic

    For ages zero to six and up

    This collection contains the following stories, plus two bonus tracks:

    • "Adam, Hawwa (Eve), and the Tree | Be Humble"
    • "Nuh (Noah) and the Boat of Animals | Speak the Truth"
    • "Dawood (David) and the Singing Mountains | Be a Problem Solver"
    • "Suleiman (Solomon) and the Talking Animals | Be Thankful"
    • "Yunus (Jonas) and the Big Whale | Be Patient"
    • "Yusuf (Joseph) and the Scary Well | Be Kind & Forgiving"
    • "Maryam (Mary), Esa (Jesus), and the Date Tree | Be Strong"
    • "Queen Asiya and the Grand Palace | Be Brave"
    • "Musa (Moses), Haroon (Aaron) and the Split Sea | Be a Team Player"
    • "Salih, the Thamud, and the Camel | Be Gentle"
    • "Ibrahim (Abraham), the Sun, and the Stars | Be Curious"
    • ""Hajar (Hagar), Ismaeel (Ishmael), and the Gushing Water | Be Resourceful"
    • "Duas from the Quran"
    • "Heroic Teachable Moments"

    Produced and narrated by Marium A. Rahman, production support by Reem Rahman, audio editing by Fatima Johnson

    ©2021 My First Heroes (P)2023 My First Heroes
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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