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Couverture de My Crazy Life

My Crazy Life

De : Mondo De La Vega
Lu par : Mondo De La Vega
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    Discover the astonishing journey of Mondo De La Vega in My Crazy Life: The Moments That Brought a Gangster to Grace. Step into a world where respect, power, and money lure a young man into the dark embrace of one of Los Angeles' most notorious Latino gangs. But behind the facade lies a haunting reality of crime, guns, and the constant threat of death or imprisonment.

    Mondo's life takes root in a turbulent childhood, filled with abuse and violence. Escaping his reproachful father in Central America, he, along with his sister and mother, seeks refuge in families' homes moving around from place to place in a small town in Central America, surviving undercover for over a year before their ultimate quest for freedom leads them to the brutal streets of Los Angeles.

    Driven by bitterness and anger, Mondo is pulled into one of the city's most notorious gangs, climbing its ranks and facing an inevitable future of either imprisonment or an early grave. Yet amidst the darkness, Mondo's sister refuses to give up on him. With unyielding faith, she prays for a miracle and receives a prophetic word that seems impossible to Mondo—a word that will change everything.

    My Crazy Life is a gripping narrative much like the story of Nicky Cruz, as we see God interrupt Mondo's path with His relentless love and grace. Through supernatural encounters, miraculous escapes, and undeniable fulfilled prophecies, Mondo finds the strength to leave the gang behind and embrace a new life.

    ©2024 Mondo De La Vega (P)2024 Charisma House

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