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Couverture de Music in the Bible: New Testament

Music in the Bible: New Testament

De : Charles Jirkovsky
Lu par : Chris Larsen
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    In this follow-up to his best-selling book Music in the Bible, Dr. Charles Jirkovsky delves into the music of the New Testament. Music in the New Testament explores the sounds of ancient Judea during the Greco-Roman Era as they would have sounded in the days of Jesus, Paul, and the Apostles.

    ©2024 Charles Jirkovsky (P)2024 Charles Jirkovsky


    "Charles Jirkovsky's book is easily the most thorough and well-researched work in this field to date. Music in the Bible fills a long-vacant void in both biblical and musicological studies and is an important addition to these fields." —Taylor Smith, Ph.D. in Musicology Associate Professor of Music Cuyamaca College

    "Charles' book is a fountain of knowledge and inspiration for anyone interested in music in the Bible. It transcends denominations and is biblically sound. My appreciation for music has grown deeper thanks to Charles’ extensive research and work." —Pastor Andy Lopez Springs of New Life Church

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