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  • Murder on the Marlow Belle

  • The Marlow Murder Club, Book 4
  • De : Robert Thorogood
  • Durée : 9 h et 23 min

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Couverture de Murder on the Marlow Belle

Murder on the Marlow Belle

De : Robert Thorogood
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    The new cosy crime novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author. THE MARLOW MURDER CLUB is now a major TV series on Drama and UKTV Play.

    Verity Beresford is worried about her husband. Oliver didn’t come home last night so of course Verity goes straight to Judith Potts, Marlow’s resident amateur sleuth, for help. Oliver, founder of the Marlow Amateur Dramatic Society, had hired The Marlow Belle, a private pleasure cruiser, for an exclusive party with the MADS committee but no one remembers seeing him disembark. And then Oliver’s body washes up on the Thames with two bullet holes in him – it’s time for the Marlow Murder Club to leap into action.

    Oliver was, by all accounts, a rather complicated chap with a reputation for bullying children during nativity play rehearsals, and he wasn’t short of enemies. Judith, Suzie, and Becks are convinced they’ll find his killer in no time. But things are not as they seem in the Marlow Amateur Dramatic Society, and this case is not so clear-cut after all. The gang will need to keep their wits about them to solve this case, otherwise a killer will walk free …

    ©2025 Robert Thorogood (P)2025 HarperCollins Publishers

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