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De : Tracy Stewart
Lu par : Millian Quinteros
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Murder 1: The Perfect Murder, George

Surrounded by the reminders of how social networking is changing relationships, George is left to make a decision which is life changing. In his 60s and tired of the way that people bury themselves in a false world, behind the anonymity of computer screens, George decides to take action.

Will the murder be the perfect murder? Will he leave no trace of his actions? This is a case of unplanned victory. As his wife Vera finds her end, George has to live with what he has done. A perfect murder leaves no real trace. A perfect murder leaves no regrets. How will a man in his senior years fight back against the perils of Facebook?

In this audiobook, George Stringer is confronted by choices, put there by chance, and commits the perfect murder, a murder with few consequences and little regret. Will this gentle soul be suspected? Or does he have the answer to committing the perfect crime?

Murder 2: The Perfect Murder, Lisa's Fate

When life seems to be going nowhere and your relationship is decidedly dodgy, how do you move forward?

This was the dilemma which faced Lisa and Nigel. Lisa, with a past that haunts her, seems to be lost in her own world, while Nigel is trying to get her to snap out of it. He doesn't know the secrets of her past. All he does know is that she has plans and that they don't include him. Anger, jealousy, and perhaps pride play in what happens during this story.

Follow the path of the relationship between them and find out what happens. It's a story that could happen to anyone, though it's probably a good thing that most listeners will have more common sense than to believe stories told to them by postings on Facebook. How does this come into the story? Listen to it and you will find the answers.

More murders....

©2015 Tracy Stewart (P)2015 Tracy Stewart
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