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Couverture de Munderworld


De : Kyle Sorrell
Lu par : Ken Allen
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    What happens beyond the end of time?

    In Munderworld, time has become meaningless. With the world of po gone, there isn’t much for many to do beyond endure their existence. Though there is one person, a jester from a bygone age, who chooses to spend his time high in the mountains looking at the stars.

    He and his friend, a small and chatty imp called Fiddle, decide on some antics to pass the time and end up angering a celestial entity. After barely escaping with their lives, Cynkz is given brief glimpses of an odd vision. Unsure of what to make of it, he decides it is a good enough reason as any to venture down through the depths of Munderworld and see if they can find an audience with the enigmatic Munder King–the lord of darkness, he who created Munderworld (and has not been seen or heard of for eons).

    A simple, carefree decision to seek adventure soon turns into a series of growing perils as the dynamic duo meet many others just trying to get by. Cynkz’s own curiosities become entwined with the goals and wishes of others as his own resolve gets tested the further down they go.

    ©2023 Kyle Sorrell (P)2023 Kyle Sorrell

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