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Couverture de MultiChurch


De : Brad House, Gregg Allison
Lu par : Sam Rushton
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    Is it time for your church to go multisite? How do you know if it's the right solution for your congregation?

    MultiChurch brings clarity to the multisite movement and assembles the lessons it has learned over the past 15 years. Combining insights from multisite church pastor Brad House and Christian theology professor Gregg Allison, this book will help anyone interested in multiplying gospel-centered churches to effectively evaluate and develop the best multisite model for their own church context.

    In MultiChurch, you will:

    • Explore the opportunities presented by the various forms of multi-site church.
    • Identify areas of concern while addressing criticisms against multisite models.
    • Understand how multisite is not only a biblically sound ecclesiological model, but also a model that provides a compelling solution to contemporary reductionism in the church.

    This theological, philosophical, and practical guide traces the history of the multisite movement and assembles the lessons—the good, the bad, and the ugly—learned over the past two decades.

    Accompanying images, graphics, and tables are included in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Brad House and Gregg Allison (P)2022 Zondervan

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