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Couverture de Mr. Paradise

Mr. Paradise

De : Elmore Leonard
Lu par : Robert Forster
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    Roommates Kelly and Chloe are enjoying their lives and their downtown Detroit loft just fine. Kelly is a Victoria's Secret catalog model. Chloe is an escort, until she decides to ditch her varied clientele in favor of a steady gig as girlfriend to eighty-four-year-old retired lawyer Tony Paradiso, a.k.a. Mr. Paradise.

    Evenings at Mr. Paradise's house, there's always an old Michigan football game on TV. And when Chloe's around, there's a cheerleader, too, complete with pleated skirt and blue-and-gold pompoms. One night Chloe convinces Kelly to join in the fun, along with Montez Taylor, Tony's smooth-talking right-hand man.

    But things go awry and before the end of the evening there will be two corpses, two angry hit men, one switch of identity, a safe-deposit box full of loot up for grabs, and, fast on the scene, detective Frank Delsa, who now has another double homicide, and this one with a beautiful, willful witness, to add to his already heavy caseload.

    With a cool cast, snappy dialogue, and all the twists and turns fans crave, Mr. Paradise is Elmore Leonard at home in Detroit and sharper than ever.

    ©2003 Elmore Leonard, Inc. (P)2003 HarperCollinsPublishers, Inc.


    "You will love this excellent book." (The New York Times Book Review)
    "Another exemplary crime thriller....Brilliantly constructed, wise and tough, this book, like so many recent Leonards, offers a master class in how to write a novel." (Publishers Weekly)
    "Pure entertainment." (Booklist)
    "Listening to Leonard's latest thriller is paradise found....Robert Forster's sonorous, sometimes raspy, voice is wonderful for the male characters." (AudioFile)

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