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Couverture de Mr. Nice Spy

Mr. Nice Spy

De : Tiana Smith
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    When a pyrotechnic engineer discovers her biological father is an international criminal, she must work with a sexy CIA agent to take him down in this thrilling adventure rom-com.

    Andee Paxton knows she’s good at her job as a fireworks designer. What she doesn’t know is that her biological father is Holt, a dangerous arms dealer who has escaped prison. And now he’s searching for his long-lost daughter-dearest.

    After the CIA surprises her with this news, they drop another bombshell: they want to use Andee as bait to capture Holt once and for all. But before the CIA can even attempt to spring their trap, she’s kidnapped along with the very hot Officer Adam Chan—all because they were too busy flirting to worry about silly things like “safety protocol.”

    A fake relationship—for their protection, of course—and just a few explosions bring Andee and Chan closer, but there’s more than their growing connection at stake. If Holt’s plan succeeds, the world will be brought to its knees. Andee and Chan must rely on each other to stop him…or else everything (including their feelings for each other) might just blow up in their faces.

    ©2024 Tiana Smith (P)2024 Penguin Audio
    • Série : My Spy, Volume 2
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    "A sky full of sparks erupt between pyrotechnics engineer Andee and CIA agent Chan in this fun and fast-paced thrill ride. Pick this one up when you want a dose of adventure in your beach read. Smart and addictive!”—Laura Taylor Namey, New York Times bestselling author of A Cuban Girl’s Guide To Tea and Tomorrow

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