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Couverture de Mr Mojo Risin

Mr Mojo Risin

De : Scott Tatum
Lu par : Brian Avers
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    Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley, and Jimi Hendrix are back, 25 years after the CIA faked their deaths when a Soviet deep-cover agent outed the network of world-touring artists couriering sensitive agency documents. Jimi Hendrix is invisible. He was “recruited” for a top-secret Pentagon project after early results suggested marijuana users made the best test subjects. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs uses Jimi’s command performance at the White House to convince the gullible president America needs Rastafarians to stay ahead of the Russians in the invisibility race and get the green light to annex Jamaica as the 51st state. The mission objective: raise an invisible army, the first step in his master plan to rule the world.

    Jim Morrison’s living quietly in Northern Virginia. An Apache shaman appears in a dream and summons him to Las Vegas. Unable to fall back asleep, he’s downstairs making hot chocolate when he gets an unexpected visit from Elvis Presley. Spurred by the dream and cryptic messages from Elvis’s mysterious chatroom friend, they drive to Washington, collect Jimi, and set off on a cross-country road trip to Sin City. When the chairman realizes the invisibility program’s only completely successful test subject has “disappeared”, he sends SEAL Team 13, a special-ops unit that’s the modern military equivalent of Viking berserkers, to bring Hendrix back at any cost.

    Time is short. Mission resources are on the ready line. Morrison, Elvis, Jimi, and their oddball collection of allies, a Jamaican steel-drum band, a senior citizen RV club, and a militia of midget Elvis impersonators, have to find a way to monkey-wrench the plan and save the world.

    ©2022 William Scott Tatum (P)2023 William Scott Tatum

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