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Couverture de Mr Medhurst and the Princess

Mr Medhurst and the Princess

De : Wilkie Collins
Lu par : Rob Goll, Amanda Friday
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    Mr Medhurst and the Princess' - a 'Little Novel' by Wilkie Collins

    Ernest Medhurst is unwittingly caught up in a minor political intrigue while second secretary to a small German Court. The Princess falls in love with him and to avoid the possibility of scandal affecting her forthcoming marriage her father ensures that Medhurst is duped into leaving the country.

    'Little Novels' published in 1887 is a collection of fourteen short stories by Wilkie Collins. Revised by the author, these stories had appeared in various British and American periodicals over the previous 10 years, very often with different titles. They are stand-alone stories dealing with a variety of subjects: love, marriage, the supernatural, class, money and murder; most of them contain a mystery or twist to the tale which is bound to delight fans of Collins' best-known novels, 'The Woman in White' and 'The Moonstone.'

    'Mr Medhurst and the Princess' is the fourth story in the collection. It was originally published as 'Royal Love' in Longman's Magazine, Christmas 1884.

    Public Domain (P)2024 Amanda Friday and Rob Goll

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