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Couverture de Motorcycles & Sweetgrass

Motorcycles & Sweetgrass

De : Drew Hayden Taylor
Lu par : Drew Hayden Taylor
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    A story of magic, family, a mysterious stranger...and a band of marauding raccoons. 

    Otter Lake is a sleepy Anishnawbe community where little happens. Until the day a handsome stranger pulls up astride a 1953 Indian Chief motorcycle - and turns Otter Lake completely upside down. Maggie, the Reserve’s chief, is swept off her feet, but Virgil, her teenage son, is less than enchanted. Suspicious of the stranger’s intentions, he teams up with his uncle, Wayne - a master of aboriginal martial arts - to drive the stranger from the Reserve. And it turns out that the raccoons are willing to lend a hand.

    ©2010 Drew Hayden Taylor (P)2021 Penguin Random House Canada


    National Best Seller

    Finalist 2013-2014 - First Nations Communities Read

    2010, Governor General's Literary Awards - Fiction, Short-listed

    Motorcycles & Sweetgrass may be concerned with aboriginal community politics, identity, mythology and intergenerational legacies, but it reads like a romp.... Yet the book’s real strength is its underlying account of a community struggling to weave an increasingly abstract traditional past with some kind of meaningful future.” (Toronto Star)

    “A near-perfect debut, a masterful mythic-comedy balancing contemporary issues and realities with magic and history.... Motorcycles & Sweetgrass is a trickster story, but it’s also a fundamentally human account of individuals and of a people struggling to find a place for themselves in the world.... A broad, bawdy, raucous, deeply felt and utterly involving narrative, a genuine pleasure to read.... Motorcycles & Sweetgrass positively crackles with life, love and magic. What more can you ask of a book?” (Robert J. Wiersema, Edmonton Journal)

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