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Couverture de Motor Mouse

Motor Mouse

De : Cynthia Rylant
Lu par : John McDonough
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    Join Motor Mouse on three hilarious adventures in this irresistible start to a brand-new series from the creators of Gooseberry Park and the Mr. Putter and Tabby books! 

    Motor Mouse is a busy little mouse, between driving his delivery car, eating cake, and visiting with friends. Come along with him on his adventures! 

    In "The Friday Cake Day", Motor Mouse and his friend Telly have been looking forward all week to their Friday tradition of eating cake. But when Friday arrives, the Cake Shop is closed. This is not acceptable! Could a friendly hedgehog help them with their predicament? 

    In "Going for a Look-About", Motor Mouse decides that instead of driving, he'd like to go for a look-about as a passenger instead. So he hires a cab to take him to places that bring back good memories of old friends. But is a brand-new friend right in front of him? 

    In "Front Row at the Picture Show", Motor Mouse and his brother, Vincent, are going to a movie. Vincent always insists on getting a large bucket of popcorn to share, since it's a better deal than two small buckets. But he always hogs it! What is Motor Mouse to do? 

    This sweet and funny trio of stories is sure to have young listeners wanting to visit with Motor Mouse again and again.

    ©2019 Cynthia Rylant (P)2019 Recorded Books

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