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Couverture de Motivation Manifestation

Motivation Manifestation

De : The School for Manifestation
Lu par : Catherine O'Connor
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     Free PDF version of this audiobook will be included with your purchase.

    Are you ready to manifest all your wildest dreams and see them come true in front of your eyes? Have you tried to use manifestation and the law of attraction techniques but never succeeded in following through? If so, keep reading....

    Motivation manifestation is a new method of using motivational quotes to manifest money, love, and your wildest dreams! Yes, you read that right! A new method, but based on the timeless wisdom of the greatest manifestation gurus.

    In this book:

    • You'll discover the seven essential steps of manifesting.
    • You'll learn why so many people try using the law of attraction techniques but fail, and how not to be one of those people.
    • You will dive deep and transform 20 categories of your life.
    • You will receive more than 1,000 quotes from the greatest teachers of mankind.

    Each chapter comes with activation prompts, which you will then compile together at the end of the book to craft your very own manifestation action plan.

    The categories in this book include:

    • Mind-set and attitude
    • Success and failure
    • Developing character
    • Habits
    • Time management
    • Happiness
    • Self-love
    • Personal development
    • Breaking through limitations
    • Money and wealth creation
    • Finding spirituality
    • Health and fitness
    • Love, marriage, and romance
    • Meaningful friendships
    • Leadership

    If you are ready, let’s embark on this journey together, and let’s start manifesting! We only have one life, and it is too short to be anything less than the best. 

    Download now to get started today!

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 The School for Manifestation (P)2020 The School for Manifestation

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